How to create a bootable USB drive for Windows 10 (Updated)

Windows 10 is set to be released later this month. The OS will be available on flash drives, however, if you want to create your own bootable USB drive for Windows 10, you can do that pretty easily. Here’s how to:

  1. Download Rufus from here
  2. Click and Open rufus.exe
  3. Once the user interface of the software opens up, plug-in your USB
  4. After that, look for the “Create a bootable USB drive option” and from the drop-down, select an ISO Image
  5. Then, click on the button next to the drop down and select the Windows 10 ISO that you want to install
  6. Lastly, click on “Start” and wait for the software to create the bootable USB drive.

Create Windows 10 USB Drive : Step by Steps

One of the first cool things about Rufus is that no installation is necessary, which means you can stick it on a network location, or another external drive to run it. When you run it, setting it up is simple. Select the USB drive you want to use, (Connect the USB drive on your Computer) select your partition scheme – it’s worth noting that Rufus also supports a bootable UEFI drive.

Then select the disc icon next to the ISO (Select your ISO windows 10 from DVD or from your local disk) drop-down and navigate to the location of your official Windows 10 ISO. After that click on Start button
Now Refus will copy all the windows 10 installation files on the pen drive. It may take about 10 to 20 minutes. It depends on the speed of your pen drive.
Anyway, after it’s created on your USB flash drive, you can go ahead and install the Windows 10 on a spare computer where you want to install windows 10 (Just connect to the computer USB and boot your PC in USB mode)
