WhatsApp has launched amazing feature for both the Android and iOS users. Its group voice and video calling. Those interested in becoming a beta tester for WhatsApp can do so from the Google Play Store.
Now the question is that how to access group video call features!
Your answer is that beta testers will have to update the app to version 2.18.189. For the group voice call is available for version 2.18.192. This must be taken into consideration that the features are currently available for WhatsApp beta only.
WhatsApp is enabling group voice and video calls for Windows Phone users too.If you didn’t get the feature yet, please wait the next days. pic.twitter.com/yfGzNVzb3K— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) June 19, 2018
Most interesting news is for the Windows Users. While the feature is available for WhatsApp beta users only, the features are expected to reach all Windows phone users in the coming days. Sharing the news with the world, WABetaInfo on Twitter said, "WhatsApp is enabling group voice and video calls for Windows Phone users too. If you didn't get the feature yet, please wait the next days."
Initially four participants may join at a time in this feature, including the person who started the call, and other three more people can be added to it.
Let’s get started with the feature step-wise:-
- One needs to start a voice call. Here I must mention that the contact must be saved in your phone.
- On the top right of the call screen, find an ‘Add participant’ icon, which can be clicked to select another friend from the contact list to add to a voice call.
- The third and fourth participants can be added in a similar way. The person can join the conversation upon invitation by others only.
- Same goes for the group video call. It will be started following the same procedure.
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